Crimson Day
2014.05.29. 17:48

12*Elite, 3*Best, 1st Placed on I. Breemeersen Galopp Cup, 1st Placed on I. Breemeersen Stallion Appearance, The Best of Saratoga Race Course I. Months Appearance, Beauty of October, Favorite of Saratoga Race Course, The Best Running in the Saratoga Race Course, Perfect, 1st Placed in Autumn Appearance, Beautiful, 2nd Placed in Autumn Appearance, Excellent, 2nd Placed Horse in II. What Do You Like? Appearance, Excellent Appearance Horse, Best, Best Horse in Do Not Give Up! Galopp Cup, Cheval exceptionnellement rapide, Good, The Good Running in the Saratoga Race Course, 5th Placed in Overdose Dj, Good, Galopp Horse in Overdose Dj, Good, 2nd Placed Horse in Galopp, SA Third Placed, Good,1st Placed Horse in I. Keeneland Race.2nd Horse in Spring, We wait you! Galopp Cup.1st Placed Horse in Hello Spring! Appearance. Elite Galopp/Gt ugr Horse.BEST cm; Funniest Horse in Funny Time Appearance cm.Participant Horse in the Dean's Galopp Cup cm.2ND IN BROADMOOR APPEARANCE, 2.helyezett a Broadmoor E.C.-ben BETTER.BEST, Best Horse.Elite in I.Churchill Downs Galopp1st in I.Churchill Downs Galopp.ELITE, Best Galopp Horse in Rosehill Galopp.The 2nd best Mare/Stallion/Foal in Fontaine Stables April Competition.CLEVER,Clever Galopp Horse.BEST, Best Stallion/Mare/Foal.1st Horse of the Rob Zombie Galopp Race.ELITE, Winner in Emirates Staks Day.BEST, Best Horse.ELITE, Best Galopp Horse.2nd Placed Horse in Villm Galopp.1st Placed Horse in Villm Kllem.Nice Horse in Ironheart.AWESOME, 2nd Placed on Offroad Drive.Best Horse in the GP- Horse Raing- cm.3rd Horse of the Two Hours Galopp. RiderClub Champion, 1st of Colour's Show.2nd Placed on Fast Horse Appearance.-Most Beautiful Horse in AHS Appearance.
Hvneve: Day
Neme: Mn
Szletett: 2011.01.24
Szakg: Kzptv
Trzsknyvezett neve: Crimson day de chavalon
Trzsknyvi Szma: 359-9123/Thor.
Szletsi helye: Amerika ( USA)
Paco Boy
Sellana |
Big Boots |
African's Heart |
Excreptico |
Sweetly Boy |
Liom's Team |
Expreso y Hermoso
Invencible y Hermoso
Mountain Cat |
Apache Pines |
Venonomus Poison |
sszesen: 45 helyezs | Ebbl dobogs: 42
+ 1. helyezett: I. Breemeersen Galopp Cup kzptv kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: I. Breemeersen Stallion Appearance -- kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: I. Months Appearance angol telivr kategriban *Szemlyes kedvenc
+ 1. helyezett:Thoroughbred Cup kzptv kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Autumn Appearance galopplovak kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Autumn Galopp in Cheval kzptv kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Ktvesek Kritriuma -- kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Keeneland galopp race kzptv kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Keeneland galopp race Kllem kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Hello spring! Appearance Mnek kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Galopp everyone Kzptv kategriban *2 lhosszal
+ 1. helyezett: Game of Colours appearance II Mn kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Why? Appearance Telivrek kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Funny Time appearance nincs kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Appearance in monte carlo mnek kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: I. Churchill Downs Gallop kzptv kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Rosehill galopp cup Canebury stakes kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Color Appearance mnek kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Rob Zombie galopp race kzptv kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Emirates Stakes day TM emirates stakes kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Appearance in dubai Burdzs al -arab kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Radwick derby Bill richtier handicap kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Villm kllem mnek kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: III. No limit appearance mnek kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: I. GHR Galopp cup Kzptv kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: Colour Show Pej kategriban
+ 1. helyezett: AHS appearance tate kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Autumn Appearance kllemlovak kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: II. What Do You Like? Appearance rock kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Do Not Give Up! Galopp Cup kzptv kategriban
+ 2. helyezett:Shining Galopp kzptv kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Galopp Day in Kentucky kzptv kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Spring,We wait for you! kzptv kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Broadmoore Appearance Mnek kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: prilis kllemverseny Mnek kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Color Galopp Narancs kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Villm galopp Kzptv kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Training Day Kzptv,Training Derby kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Offroad Drive Kzptv kategriban
+ 2. helyezett: Fast Horses appearance Telivrek kategriban
+ 3. helyezett: Juvenile Cup Oak Tree Stakes kategriban
+ 3. helyezett: Two Hours Galopp Kzptv kategriban
+ 5. helyezett: Overdose Dj Galopprennbahn Freudenau kategriban
+ 7. helyezett: I. LSZ Kupa galopp kategriban
+ 7. helyezett: Dean's galopp cup kzptv kategriban
